
You can use these tests to determine if a file, directory, script section, or variable does or does not exist. If this test is true, then a Command is executed. Based on the specific test selected, one or more additional arguments may be needed. Avaialable tests include:
ExistFile Not,ExistFile Check to see if a file does/doesn't exist 1
ExistDir Not,ExistDir Check to see if a directory does/doesn't exist 1
ExistSection Not,ExistSection Check to see if a given section does/doesn't exist inside the specified file
ExistRegSection Not,ExistRegSection Check to see if a given section does/doesn't exist in the specified registry
ExistRegKey Not,ExistRegKey Check to see if a specific key does/doesn't exist inside the specified registry
ExistVar Not,ExistVar Check to see if a specific variable does/doesn't exist - i.e. has it been defined

  1. Wildcards may only be used in the File and Directory existence checks. BUT , they may not give expected results. For example, checking to see if *.* exists will ALWAYS return TRUE because of the "dot" and "dot-dot" entries returned by the internal API used.




In the example below we are testing if c:\myFile.txt does not exist. If this condition is true, then FileCreateBlank,c:\myFile.txt will be executed


The following command will read the value of HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\xyz,Language , if RegSection HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\xyz does exist.


This command will read the value of HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\xyz,Language , but only if the registry key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\xyz,Language exists.


In this final example we will check if the program path C:\Program Files\IrfanView exists. If it does, then the value of %Var% will be set to 1. Then we will check to see if %Var% exists. If it is true (i.e. was created above or even earlier in the script or project) a message windows with the text "1 does exist" appears.

If,ExistDir,C:\Program Files\IrfanView,Set,%Var%,1
If,ExistVar,%var%,Message,"'%var%' does exist",Information